St Teath Community Primary School

Head's update 12-11-21

Two weeks back already! A fantastic week full of dances, exploring our village, paper mache and hearing production songs among other things . I really am proud of the learning and opportunities the staff plan and deliver. Our children get a wide range of experiences to develop and to excel- thank you to such an amazing team of teachers and support staff.

Book Fair

Exciting news is that the school will be getting a new website very soon. Before the holidays, a photographer from the trust came in to take pictures of school life that will be used on this website- more news to follow. I have also set the school up a twitter page because this is the easiest way to share news for our website and the North Cornwall Learning Trust website. For those that use twitter, the school page is on @st_teath_school - give us a follow !

To clarify the message about sports kit: Please can children only come to school in school PE kit on the day(s) of P.E with Jack . This does not include football strips. Football strips should only be worn for football clubs after school. Thank you.

Reminder that the A39 heading to Wadebridge remains closed for a further week between 9.30am and 5.00pm like it has been this week.