St Teath Community Primary School


The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Mr Paul Howard at St Teath. In his absence, the Deputy Safeguarding Leads (DDSL) is Mrs Juliet Davies. 

Our safeguarding team can be contacted on (01208) 850516 during working hours.

Visit our policies page to see our most up to date policies that show we are passionate about safeguarding including ensuring pupils are safe in our care.  We are constantly reviewing our safeguarding policies and looking at how we can improve our procedures.  Some of what we do- online safeguarding platform for recording any incidents of concern, monthly safeguarding meetings, regular external and governor checks, regular staff safeguarding training, up to date policies and thorough vetting & induction for new staff.

If you have any safeguarding concerns about a child at school, please contact any member of staff, or you can call the Multi Agency Referral Unit (MARU) on 0300 123  1116

It is everyone's responsibility to ensure the safety of all children.

safeguarding induction information leaflet 1 .pdf



nclt safeguarding and child protection policy 2023 v1 approved 2023 09 18 schools to adapt 1 .pdf




 Our Designated Lead for Children in Care and previously in care is Juliet Davies.

Our Single Point of Contact for the Prevent Agenda is Paul Howard. 

Our Child Sexual Exploitation Lead is Juliet Davies.

Our Mental Health Lead is Juliet Davies.

The Trust Safeguarding lead is: Richard Woodland

The named Safeguarding Trustee is: Iain Grafton


Keeping Children safe in Education 2023 (part 1)

dfe keeping children safe in education 2023 part one.pdf

The Prevent Duty (Counter Terrorism) Government advice

dfe prevent duty departmental advice v6.pdf