Welcome to Willow Class!
Welcome to wonderful Willow class. In our class, we have 28 amazing Year 1 and Year 2 children. Mrs Polak teaches every day and we are ably supported by our super teaching assistants Jo, Ria and Bob.
Our aim, in Willow Class, is to challenge ourselves during our learning journey as we work towards being the best that we can be as individuals and a TEAM. We love every Tuesday afternoon, when we have P.E with Jack. This term, we are learning about net and wall games!
We have an exciting learning journey this Autumn; please click on the 'Autumn' link below to find out further information. Here you will find this half term's subject overview linked to our topic theme: 'Music Maestro!'.
As ever, if you have any questions please catch us at end of day or message on Class Dojo.
Mrs Polak
Click on these links to see what we have been getting up to!
We love to read!
Investigating in Science
Marvellous Maths